Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Night to Remember...

Happy New Year folks! Is it really 2012? Well it’s definitely the future from when I was a kid. We can see each other when we talk on the phone or video chat as it is sometimes called. We can cook a baked potato in 5 minutes in a microwave, we now have over 200 radio stations via satellite and we have children who don’t know what rotary phones or 45 rpm records are! 
Since my last post, I have been back for 2 chemo treatments, one 3 weeks ago where Dr. S. reviewed the CAT scan results with us and agreed to what I already knew that the Abraxine is not working. To Frank’s and my surprise, Dr. S. gave the OK to try the Taxol one more time. Unfortunately, I had another allergic reaction, so it’s out completely, and I was treated with the Carbo and Avastin only. Enough to make my stomach so sick, but not strong enough to combat the cancer that lurks inside. And, the second visit was yesterday. Dr. S. changed my regiment completely to 2 new Chemo’s. One is Gemzar which is given via infusion once a week for two weeks then off a week, and the other is an oral chemotherapy called Hexolon which I take daily for two weeks then off for a week. Both have minor side effects. I took the Gemzar yesterday, and as advised I have flulike symptoms including joint aches and headaches which should last for about 24 hours. Tomorrow I will fill the Hexolon and start that. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good response to these meds as the cancer has grown more since my last CAT scan. I know this because of the pains I have where the tumors are sitting. And my CA125 is now up to a 179. We shall see. One day at a time. 
We had a great holiday season. It is said; you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends… well this family I would choose as my friends and I feel so blessed to be their family. I adore them. They arrived the Thursday before Christmas and stayed through til New Years day, when they left to drive home back in Florida. Friday night was an amazing evening. We went to the 9/11 memorial park at Ground Zero. It was a lot of walking and everyone was so great and helped me get around, and it was worth every painful step I took getting there and back.

The memorial is beautiful. It is so tastefully done. We went at night which turned out to be very nice, because all of the machinery being used to build the new buildings around it were off, leaving a quiet back round to hear the streaming water fountains. Each of the names of those lost, were lit up, and very easy to read. I found all those I was looking for, and took their pictures. Walking by the north fountain we got sprayed when the wind hit the moving water. In its own way, it was very touching because I felt as if I was being sprayed with the memories and spirits of those who were lost.

We also saw the only tree that survived the attacks. For me, as small as it is (for now) it showed so much strength and determination, I had to stand next to it and feel its power of survival.

Off to Carmines for dinner. Always yummy and filling. An order of this, and order of that, a little of this, a taste of that… Delicious! Great food, great company, great restaurant. And, it was warm in there!!

We then walked the half a block into a very well lit and active Times Square, where we took lots of fun pics of the kids, especially Evan and Tommy “Tebowing” with Elmo!

The ride home was awesome. I rode with Mario and the boys, and we were listening and singing to Elton John’s greatest hits. OK, the boys didn’t sing, but Mario and I were diggin’ the tunes! B B B B Benny and the Jetssssssssss… Love it!
Got home, everyone was all settled in, I let Harley and Bailey out to run in the backyard, because they were cooped up in the house for the last 6 hours and needed to rid some of their energy. At first it sounded like they were rough housing on the deck, until I realized I was hearing a 3rd animal involved. I ran outside (hobbled actually) couldn’t really see and started yelling for Frank, who comes flying out of the house like Batman, sees Harley dragging the animal belly side up into the darkness of the backyard, he then chases the dogs inside where everyone is up now and shuts the door. We didn’t know what kind of animal it was, but both pups had its blood on them, and boy oh boy did it stink. First Bailey was bathed then Harley. It was very quiet outside, no crying or moaning animal sounds so we all agreed not to go back outside until the morning when it was light out to deal with what was there. Well, happy to say, whatever it was left on its own. There was no trace of another animal, so I’d like to think and say, that the wound to it may have been bloody, but it was superficial enough for it to get out of there. Thank goodness, because I really didn’t want Frank to have to see and deal with a severely injured animal or one that was lifeless. Kind of a shitty way to end such a great night, but I am so thankful that Harley and Bailey weren’t hurt in the scuffle, and seem to be quite fine.
So, a great night has been added to my treasure box of wonderful memories. I am so thankful I got to experience the night without too much discomfort, and enjoyed this awesome time and family. Thank you to Mario, Carla, Tommy and Laura for making the trip up to NY to see us and spend the holidays with us. As promised, next year we come to you!! Love you! Xoxo